รหัสสินค้า : BOSCH DCN-DV


0.00 ฿

ราคารวม 0.00 ฿



รายละเอียดย่อ :

Delegate Unit with Voting


 Low susceptibility to mobile phone interference

 Compact, attractive and ergonomic design

 Five voting buttons

 Built-in loudspeaker and pluggable microphone

 Usable as a delegate unit or as a chairman unit

This Delegate Unit with Voting enables participants to speak, register a request-to-speak, listen to the speaker and vote. A socket is provided to connect the pluggable microphones (DCN-MICS and DCN-MICL, to be ordered separately). The unit has five voting buttons for all types of voting. The yellow indicator rings around the voting buttons are used to prompt users to register their presence, to start voting and to confirm their votes. When the unit’s attendance LED is yellow, it indicates the delegate is present.




Functions :-


Headphone output level reduction to prevent acoustic feedback (active when listening to the floor and whenthe microphone is on)

The unit accommodates two headphone connections,so the speaker can be heard clearly even in situations with excessive background noise

The built-in loudspeaker is muted when the microphone is on to prevent acoustic feedback

The unit can be used a delegate unit, as a chairman unit (DCN-DBCM chairman buttons to be orderedseparately) or as a delegate unit with auxiliary button. The auxiliary button is a versatile function, which can be used as an usher call for example

To lock the loop-through cable, a cable clamp isavailable (DCN-DISCLM, to be ordered separately)

The unit is available in a dark colored base

Controls and Indicators:-


 Five voting buttons with indicator rings around the buttons

 Unit activity/delegate presence indicator

 Microphone button with a red, green or yellow illuminated LED. Red indicates microphone is active.

 VIP indicator is lit when the delegate is part of the notebook (only available if PC Software is used)

 Headphone volume control buttons

 Recessed ‘De-init’ switch

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